Spalding Energy Expansion WSoE (1759)
Technical Specification and Procedure Writing
National Grid
10 Apr 2019
31 May 2019
QEM Solutions were asked to assist a National Grid Project by authoring the Written Scheme of Examination (WSoE) for the Spalding Energy Expansion Project.
QEM provided a suitable Consultant in the form of a competent Principal Consulting Engineer. The Enginer was a specialist in integrity and risk management of pipeline systems and currently holds the position of Competent Person under UK Legislation for pipeline networks in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Republic of Ireland and Isle of Man.
QEM were responsible for drafting a WSoE for the following components:
Launch and Receive Pig traps
300nb Pipeline
Station pipework
Primary protective devices (mechanical & electrical), e.g. slam shuts, relief valves etc
Pressure Vessels, e.g. filters, heat exchangers and any other vessels that have a stored energy capacity of at least 250 bar litres.