UK & Ireland Featured Project: Weld Inspection & Consultancy United Utilities Thirlmere (1737)

QEM Solutions were asked by United Utilities to assist with the review of the welding process and associated with the provision of the innovative steel E-joint.

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Overseas Featured Project: Capita Symonds - Valve Inspections

QEM Solutions were contracted to carry 3rd party inspection and witnessing activities on a series of valves fabricated in Germany for a series of SGN contracts throughout Scotland.

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We are QEM Solutions We are QEM Solutions

We are problem solvers. We are organisers. From the project start-up to the very final evaluations and analysis, we can bring enthusiasm to each and every part of your project.


News Spotlight Building back better: hydrogen’s place in our new normal

Lockdown. It has come with more than its fair share of challenges. But it has come with benefits too. Fish have reappeared in the canals of Venice, global air quality has rapidly improved, and with diminished traffic, city dwellers have woken to the dawn chorus, rather than the gathering clamour of the morning commute.


Technical Consultancy

Vendor Approval, Inspection and Expediting

Vendor Approval, Inspection and Expediting

You have no doubt been there, had a project delayed or stopped due to lack of materials or wrong delivery. Even something as simple as wrong certification. It's easily done – and extremely frustrating. Now imagine that being someone else's responsibility. Give the procurement to the QEM Solutions team. We have the experience and skills needed to manage your procurement. We can ensure that there are no extended costs and delays due to incorrect permanent materials orders. We are experts in crossing T's and dotting I's. And we only provide competent engineers. Engineers that know what needs to be done and when. This process is one major, critical step in construction and if managed badly can be highly costly to the client / contractor.

Below is a list of a few responsibilities QEM Solutions would take off your hands along with the liability;

  • Development of design datasheets. 
  • Review of the design scope, identify any anomalies and develop a design gap analysis if necessary. 
  • Development of comprehensive procurement schedule. 
  • Selection of potential vendors from approved supplier list. 
  • Prepare enquiry letters and design packs for potential suppliers/subcontractors. 
  • Review of tender submissions from suppliers and development of bid analysis. 
  • Review QA/QC documentation (PQP, ITP etc) for compliance. 
  • Development of purchase orders in conjunction with the design. 
  • Carry out vendor inspections at supplier premises to authenticate compliance with relevant standards. 
  • Review and acceptance of vendor certification packages prior to release of goods.

Benefits include;

  • Gaps in resources eradicated. 
  • Gain confidence that a competent engineer is completing the task. 
  • Reduce the likelihood of gaps in information developing at a very early stage. 
  • QEM Solutions can absorb liability of specific disciplines or sections. 
  • Reduced costs due to shared overheads. 
  • Allows client to manage the sections / disciplines they know and we do the rest.

QEM Specialist