UK & Ireland Featured Project: FT Pipeline Systems - Integrated Management System (1254)

QEM Solutions used their understanding of the water industry to develop a management system that satisfied the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007. QEM Solutions continue to manage and improve the organisations processes both on a corporate and project specific level.

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Overseas Featured Project: Capita Symonds - Valve Inspections

QEM Solutions were contracted to carry 3rd party inspection and witnessing activities on a series of valves fabricated in Germany for a series of SGN contracts throughout Scotland.

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We are QEM Solutions We are QEM Solutions

We are problem solvers. We are organisers. From the project start-up to the very final evaluations and analysis, we can bring enthusiasm to each and every part of your project.


News Spotlight Are we doing it right? Effective meetings in Microsoft Teams

Since the Covid onslaught, businesses worldwide have adopted Microsoft Teams in place of meeting in person. And while it’s true that many of us are now adept with the software, it’s likely that others still use only the bits that suit them best. While we may get through the working day in one piece without some functionalities and etiquette, we could probably work better with the full toolset to hand. And why not? There’s still a long way to go before we’re all back in the office.



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07 Jun 2019

World Accreditation Day 2019 – what can it do for me?

World Accreditation Day takes place on 9th June 2019, and will focus on how accreditation adds value to supply chains and procurement activities.

Over the years, this annual diary date has become increasingly important – promoting the value of accreditation, accredited conformity assessment and standards. There’s a website fit to bust with information about accreditation, training and publications, and you can find it here.

But why bother?

This sounds all very worthy, and an admirable cause. We get that, and so do you. But is accreditation really that important? After all, running a business is hectic, and it’s often an effort just to deliver on time, on budget, and hopefully make a buck at the end of the day. There’s enough to worry about without striving for accreditation, surely. Well, that’s where many companies are getting it wrong.

Accreditation can give you the edge

At QEM Solutions, accreditation is at the very heart of everything we do. It’s one of the  many reasons we created isCompliant. Take the core ISO Standards, for example. These underpin the way we work every day – from health & safety, to environmental management and more. And accreditation can give you the edge over competitors during the procurement process.


Accreditation creates confidence in SMEs

For SMEs, accreditation can help them compete on a level playing field with bigger companies. It’s vital to their prosperity. If any company – no matter the size – has secured the necessary accreditation, consumers can have equal confidence in the quality of their business processes, product standards, and supply chain, even if they’re up against a big flashy corporate in the procurement process.

Accreditation helps businesses talk

Bring two people together with wildly different personal standards, and you’ll have conflict, misunderstanding, and nothing will get done. But give them a shared set of ideals and aspirations, and they can understand each other, negotiate, exchange, improve and innovate. This is exactly what accreditation does – it facilitates global trade to the same – equal – standards of quality, ethics, security, and responsibility. When two businesses at opposite sides of the globe share the same standards, they’re essentially speaking the same language, and they can get to work.

Get involved

So, maybe it’s time to put your to-do list to one side for today, and consider how accreditation could improve your business quality, longevity, reach and prosperity. Here’s how: