UK & Ireland Featured Project: Entrepose - Asselby to Pannal 48” Gas Pipeline

QEM Solutions provided project services and management consultancy to ensure that all internal processes associated with quality / risk mitigation during design were successfully developed and implemented. QEM Solutions managed all activities associated with quality, technical writing, document control and final project handover.

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Overseas Featured Project: Capita Symonds - Valve Inspections

QEM Solutions were contracted to carry 3rd party inspection and witnessing activities on a series of valves fabricated in Germany for a series of SGN contracts throughout Scotland.

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We are QEM Solutions We are QEM Solutions

We are problem solvers. We are organisers. From the project start-up to the very final evaluations and analysis, we can bring enthusiasm to each and every part of your project.


News Spotlight COP26 – Our part in a UK Net Zero future

As world leaders turn for home after the opening days of COP26, leaving their teams to thrash out the difficult details, climate change is at the front of everyone’s minds. The terms ‘carbon’, ‘fossil fuels’ and even ‘beef’ have almost become dirty words. However, we’ve been quietly working towards the UK’s net zero aims for quite some time. Here’s how.



5 Mar 2024

QEM Solutions acquired by Adler and Allan

Specialist quality and engineering management solutions company, QEM Solutions (QEM) has been acquired by national environmental risk reduction services business, Adler and Allan.

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20 Sep 2022

Cadent and QEM: Hydrogen’s Critical Moment

Energy, and the question of where we get it, has never claimed as many column inches as it does now. Climate change is an increasingly urgent concern, while war in Ukraine has, at the same time, made the whole of Europe rethink every aspect of its energy landscapes. This is a critical moment to be working in the industry.

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27 Apr 2022

Utility Week Live 2022

It’s been three long years, thanks to COVID 19, and QEM Solutions are more than ready to re-unite with fellow exhibitors at Utility Week Live in Birmingham, this May.

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24 Mar 2022

Russian cyber attack – the war at your own desk

While the war in Ukraine deepens, it is inevitable that Russia will use every available tool in its armoury to bring down any and all opponents. Part of this arsenal will inevitably be cyber-attack. However, it is possible to stay safe if we remain vigilant and adopt some crucial security protocols.

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11 Mar 2022

How going green can bring down Putin

While QEM gathers emergency supplies to be sent to Ukraine – efforts that feel like a drop in the ocean – we’re mindful that the energy industry in which we work could be the very weapon that brings down Putin’s military machine.

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